Monday, March 29, 2010

Whirlwind of the Ordinary

The Photo is of my two favorite heat seekers.  Gracie senged her tail and smelled like burned hair the rest of the evening.

Monday Madness: I try to squeeze way too much into Mondays. Today: 3 loads of laundry, lots of cooking and time at the desk. I reward myself with a break from 9 to 9:15 to watch Regis and Kelly banter and then again at 10 to 10:15 for the hot topics on the view. This morning I had a lunch date with girlfriends and needed to be out of the house by 11 so a lot got crowed in. After lunch it was just a couple of errands and back to the desk.

Big confession, I bought shrimp on sale and ‘put it in the freezer’ and it is not on the menu yet. The freezer is looking much better but I still felt a little guilty. It is so much better when I am using up instead of adding too.

I haven’t made a dent in the yarn stash but I haven’t bought any yarn either. Stiches is three weeks away. Today in the mail I got my list of homework assignments for my stitches classes and I have some knitting to do; 6 swatches and then more research also, plus putting together the supplies for each class.

Terrific Tuesdays: I love my job. I love getting to work on Tuesdays and remembering how much I like my job. I love the people, and now that I have been at this office a while there are patients who look forward to seeing me again also and then I love the ‘art and craft’ of what I do, making each tooth clean, smooth and shiny which also means healthy. Then I look forward to Tuesday nights and seeing the nieces and having family dinner. This week it is Indian and I hope it goes over okay.
midWeek Wednesdays: I am getting tired. I get good rest but I am running down. Food has become leftover that I am getting tired of and after lunch at work I know I only have a few more patients for the week. I have to start working myself up to going to exercise but it was too beautiful today and so I went home and talked BK into going for a walk with me. We went to Redmond and walked from the Senior Center towards the new hotel and back it was about a 45 minute walk and it was just wonderful. The sights to see were amazing; the birds, spring flowers, bicyclist, rollerbladers, lots of people with dogs, one dog had on four little blue boots. We had a great time. Then we came home and had leftovers from Tuesday night.
Thursdays is all about Knitting: I sleep in a little and then sorted and messed around the house awhile and then went to Crossroads for my Grandma Knits Group. Sometimes I will go into Seattle to Tricoter after Crossroads but this week Bill and I decided to meet up at home for a date and good dinner. So I made the salmon and veggies I had planned for Wednesday night.

Formula Friday: I did a little work at the desk, some planning for the week and went off to a Book Club Group lunch. We usually meet here at the house but this month we decided to try a new place, Northwest College Dining Hall. Turned out it was good, a little loud for talking but after a lot of the students cleared out we finished discussing "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell. I enjoyed the book and there is a lot to think about with his views of people and cultures, but ways to find the tipping point and make a difference as an individual still leaves me a bit, maybe a lot, puzzled.

Saturday I did a lot of knitting and watched a couple of movies, one was Inkheart. PG. About a story teller that could make the words on a page come to life. Savanna would have liked it I think. BK got home from Portland mid afternoon and we had a great evening together. We took a short walk, talked a lot and streamed a couple of television shows we had missed.
Sunday we both had errands to run and we did some together and some separately. I did a lot of grocery and pantry stocking. Probably the last big run before I leave for Atlanta. I have been wanting a new stock pot. Non stick preferably, not to heavy and 10 to 12 quarts, so we did some comparison shopping and came home and got something from It should come this week. I also downloaded a couple of new books and bought a couple of Stephanie Pearl McPhee’s books that I didn’t have. So the packages just keep coming.

That brings us back to not so Mad Monday and at the end of the day the bills are paid, laundry is done, I had my blood draw and we had a great dinner, (Bill roasted chicken and I had steak :-0 ) Yummy…. So on with the week.

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